So much of the world (not to) see! ———- For the curious, here’s a slightly larger version of the tattoo depicted:
Posts Tagged comics
The “Queer Benefits” comic started out as a made-up series, but we came to realize it was an idea worth expanding into a genuine recurrent theme. Unfortunately, being queer just comes with so many tongue-in-cheek “benefits,” so why not share them[…] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today’s ChaosLife is a bit of story-time from K! As some of you may already know, this story is completely true and more than a little mortifying to me at the time of its occurrence. Nothing speeds along the getting-to-know-you[…] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tributes always get a little weird. —— f you haven’t heard: we’re still taking pre-orders for the second print run of Lesbians 101, but time is running out! Pre-ordering is open until May 8th, and after that, you’ll have to[…] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Vital information for those who might encounter us this weekend at ECCC (Table F-07 — OR RIGHT BEHIND YOU). ————— Also, I’m super-excited to announce that we’re offering pre-orders for the second printing of Lesbians 101 on Etsy! We only[…] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…