Status: Open for most commissions, please contact to inquire!
Price List Details and Rules
Bust (shoulders & up): $40 B&W | $50 Color
— Couples: $60 B&W | $80 Color
Partial Body (hips & up): $60 B&W | $75 Color
Full Body: $80 B&W | $100 Color
— Most additions, such as props and animals: +$5 – 15 each
— Backgrounds: + $30 – 50

Pets: $30
— Add one pet: +$15, add two or more: +$10/ea

Character sheets, including turns, expressions, etc: $200
Comics: Starting at $200 — Simple, one-character two-panel comics at base price, additional panels, characters, elements, background, and/or art styles can be added for a fee. Reach out via DM or email to discuss!
Commercially-licensed work, such as book covers or merchandise: Starting at $250, please contact with project details

Adoptable — (A random creature generated based upon 4 traits you decide!): $15
Short Poem by K: $10 — You pick the subject or ask to be surprised!

Tarot Readings by K: $10 – Includes a 5-card spread with personalized photos, interpretation, and discussion. Ask for details!

Gift Cards: Don’t know what to get? Give a gift card! You can reserve one for any amount, just reach out to let us know you’d like one! You’ll receive a shiny, uniquely numbered digital card that you can give to whoever you like. No expirations!
NEW! All of our Patreon patrons receive 10% off any purchases from us at any time! See details below for more information.
To reserve your commission, please contact me via email or DM (@findchaos on most sites, including Twitter and Facebook) with your request and I will reply to let you know your spot is confirmed. Payment is required before work and can be made through PayPal or Venmo (@findchaos).
The Fine Print
Copyright: The Creator, A. Stiffler and/or K. Copeland, will hold all common-law copyright to the commissioned piece and it may not be used for commercial purposes, reproduced without written approval from the creator, traced/altered in any way or claimed as statutory copyright. The commission may not be used for print, publication or profit unless commissioned as a commercial piece. The Creator has the right to publish commissioned work on their sites and social media feeds unless explicitly discussed prior to commission (delays to avoid spoiling surprises are totally fine, just ask). Unless noted otherwise, black & white commissions may be recolored by the Recipient if the Creator is credited for the original linework and it is described as recolored. Edited and recolored pieces may not be sold or used for commercial purposes, they are for personal use only.
Commission: The commission shall be an agreed-upon flat fee for a high-resolution image file (physical copies or original physical works can be discussed for a negotiable price, plus S&H). Recipient will be responsible for sending all pertinent details to include in the piece to before work begins. Any additions will incur an extra fee. Additions include: Extra characters, background elements, complicated objects, animals or props. It is the discretion of the creator what is an addition and what is not and these details will be discussed prior to payment.
Payment: Payment is expected upfront before work begins on all projects below $100 unless otherwise discussed. Projects that are $100 or more can be started with a 50% deposit if requested and agreed upon prior to work. Payments can be made through PayPal to ( or Venmo/CashApp $findchaos. If the Recipient chooses not to purchase the artwork at the time of its completion, the creator will retain the refused piece and any payment made prior to refusal.
Distribution: The Recipient agrees to not physically duplicate the image outside of personal use or for monetary gain unless otherwise negotiated. The work may be distributed online (i.e. Facebook, Icons, Character Pages, Personal Blog Sites without Ads), but may not be used commercially online (i.e. Site Banners and Advertisements, Sites with Ads). The creator retains the right to distribute the work, including publishing in web galleries and the artist’s personal sites. If your commission must remain undistributed for a certain period of time (i.e. to not spoil a release date or surprise), that can be discussed before work begins.
Changes During Process and Timing: As stated, the Recipient will send the artist all necessary information for the piece. This includes, but is not limited to: Character (several reference images can be used), Colors, Style, Placement and Composition. The Recipient will include any and all reference material in e-mail form along with the agreed upon fees. Work will be completed typically within 30 business days, but actual times may vary based upon available work hours at time of commission. Please contact us BEFORE your commission is underway to discuss firm deadlines, if needed. Requested deadlines of shorter than 30 business days are subject to a sliding scale Short Notice Fee of 20 – 100% of the total commission price, based upon the length of time and availability.
Gift Cards: To redeem a gift card, send an email to (or with the image and/or reference number of your gift card and a description of the art you would like, including any important details or reference images you deem necessary. You will receive a confirmation email with any follow-up questions within 3 business days of receipt. Gift cards may be redeemed only once (1) by the recipient OR the original purchaser and have no expiration date unless otherwise indicated. For privacy and security, the gift card will be matched to its reference number for confirmation of redemption, NOT by names. The gift card may be exchanged for digital art of equal value at time of redemption (see menu above for current pricing) and can be used towards the total purchase price of digital art of a higher value. We do NOT offer refunds on gift cards, full or partial, even if the digital art requested is less than the value of the original card. Your balance may be kept and used toward future purchases. Digital art purchased via gift card will typically be completed within 30 business days, but can be subject to an adjusted deadline based on the redemption date and working hours available. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at before gift card purchase or exchange.
Patreon 10% Discount: Valid on any purchases made directly through us, does not apply to any shipping costs, if applicable. To redeem your discount, include or mention your Patreon username prior to the time of purchase for verification of current membership to receive 10% off of your calculated total. The discount cannot be applied retroactively to completed transactions. Must be a current, active patron of and have successfully pledged at least one month to receive discount (minimum $1 in a month, we cannot accept a $0 lifetime pledge).
Finally: The artist reserves the right to respectfully refuse commissions that don’t fit the style or aesthetics of the artist’s body of work, but don’t be shy to ask. 18+ requests are often fine within reason.
Email me at Contact@FindChaos.Com for any questions or to commission me! Feel free to reach out via DM on social media, @FindChaos most places including Twitter and Facebook. Thanks for supporting independent creators!