Queer Benefits #128: Travel
So much of the world (not to) see!
For the curious, here’s a slightly larger version of the tattoo depicted:

Where In The World Can Us Gays Go?
So much of the world (not to) see!
For the curious, here’s a slightly larger version of the tattoo depicted:
Where In The World Can Us Gays Go?
Don’t worry, those places tend to be pretty crappy with crappy people, anyway.
I’m straight and I wouldn’t want to go to a place that is officially queer-unfriendly.
Best tattoo ever
Nah, there are so many interesting places that are queer-unfriendly. Much of Asia and Africa, for example. Although it might just be as bad in rural southern US or something.
@saf China’s actually starting to shift their view (so there’s a large swath of Asia that should open up someday). The young people are much more accepting on gay people now (no idea about non-cis gender identities). There was a guy in the US who became a minor celebrity in China because his lost phone ended up there and he started communicating with the new owner. He ended up coming out as gay to his friend, then on Chinese TV. I think his friend was a bit surprised and taken aback at first, but he accepted it. Look up Brother Orange if you’re interested in it.
😀 omg gay Carmen Santiago (who says she wasn’t gay before, I dunno, I never watched much of the show).
Y’all are doing it wrong. Go where you want. Be polite. Accept politeness in return.
It is literally illegal to be gay in some countries. LGBT have been arrested, beaten, raped and killed in MOST of those countries where it is illegal, precisely because of government slander to its citizens against us. Educate yourself before you comment here.
My boyfriend, watching youtube: “Wow! Dubai looks so cool. We should go there one day!”
Me, looking at him like he’s crazy: “BiTcH yOu WaNnA kIlL mE??!?”