Sock Puppets: Voting Power
Voting matters so much, it’s just a little frustrating how much more necessary our government makes it to avoid total societal collapse each and every day…
Edit: 01/12/2022 — The Ohio Supreme Court struck down the voting map essentially for the reasons mentioned in this comic, and now the commission is being given 10 days to present a new map. Hopefully the new map will fit with voters’ needs, but since the same people are in charge of drawing the districts as before, I get the feeling this joke will resume being accurate soon enough. Just… slightly less bad? We did it, guys?
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You could live in North Carolina, where a panel of three judges, two republican and one democrat, decided unanimously *not* to strike down gerrymandered maps because they weren’t *racial* gerrymandered.
Of course these maps were created in a secret process where all records were destroyed. (Republicans legislatures are calling it the ‘most public process ever’, but their ‘concept’ maps were created behind closed doors, in secret meetings, and were destroyed afterwards. )
The republicans that created the maps elected based on *racially* gerrymandered maps that the courts had declared *illegal*, but republican successfully stalled long enough that they were used to vote anyway. *TWICE!*
The judges freely admit the maps are gerrymandered, but point out that gerrymandering for political power isn’t illegal in North Carolina.