I like how Peter is just on top of the dishes, like “yep. I’m just here guys…”
We have the same problem on a daily basis in our student house, minus the kitty. e_e”
I remeber one time when i was living on my own me and my room mate had this pot of macaroni with a cream sauce that was in the fridge so long it grew a red mold
The trick is to NEVER pile stuff in the sink. If you have to, dedicate a spot of counter or even a bus bin on a table or something for dirty (RINSED!) dishes to get stacked in. The problem is – if the sink is full, you can’t clean ANYTHING – as the sink gets more full, cleaning becomes more impossible. It gets to the point where it’s an Herculean task just to get things to the point where you COULD clean a dish or two – even if you wanted to.
But if you pile things off to the side – or in a bin, sure, you have a bin of dirty dishes, but that’s not really any worse than a sink full, is it? And with the sink clear, you can eventually gird your loins, grab a couple of pots or dishes, and clean a few right away – you don’t have to excavate the sink first, before you can even start (which by then is probably full of horrible, gooey things, because you can’t properly rinse out or dispose of stuff, with the sink blocked).
Sorry… this is something i’m still trying to get my roommates to understand. Tune in next week on Righteous Rants for “Toilet Seats – up or down?”
Hail the holy dishwasher!
The order of importance of devices in a house is: washing machine, microwave, dishwasher, fridge, and then the rest. The order may change depending on how close either shopping mall, restaurants and the other various “external services” are.
I will never accept a household without a dishwasher, EVER. I would fix that RIGHT AWAY. Zero tolerance here.
@Joachom I hear you… (and personally agree) but it’s not a full solution. We have a dishwasher in my house. But the sink will STILL fill up if i allow it, because, until someone empties the dishwasher, you can’t load more into it.
And also, not everyone has access to a dishwasher, or room for it, in the kitchen they can afford.
Fill up the tub with HOT HOT HOT water. Put a spoon full of dawn in there. Soak for a week & they’ll be clean as a whistle. Helps its a neighbour or a parent’s tub. You may or may not get the dishes back. Though once, I put everything in a large party bucket and washed them in the local grocery store. I had to borrow a team outfit but they had a stack of them in the deli department.
Sad but true reality we got here… lol
You need a dishwasher.
I like how Peter is just on top of the dishes, like “yep. I’m just here guys…”
We have the same problem on a daily basis in our student house, minus the kitty. e_e”
Nothing that can’t be treated with small, controlled fires.
I remeber one time when i was living on my own me and my room mate had this pot of macaroni with a cream sauce that was in the fridge so long it grew a red mold
Your cat never ceases to remind me of ours. And she was a stray…so maybe their distant cousins? Probably not, but still would be cool :-/
I love that it officially became a tall enough spot to attract Peter. XD
Every relationship needs one person who doesn’t mind doing the dishes…so I guess it’s time to adopt.
Dynamite, H-Bomb, quantic wormhole… I’ve think my share too!!!
SEP field.
Totally! But after a while it just becomes everyone’s problem…
The trick is to NEVER pile stuff in the sink. If you have to, dedicate a spot of counter or even a bus bin on a table or something for dirty (RINSED!) dishes to get stacked in. The problem is – if the sink is full, you can’t clean ANYTHING – as the sink gets more full, cleaning becomes more impossible. It gets to the point where it’s an Herculean task just to get things to the point where you COULD clean a dish or two – even if you wanted to.
But if you pile things off to the side – or in a bin, sure, you have a bin of dirty dishes, but that’s not really any worse than a sink full, is it? And with the sink clear, you can eventually gird your loins, grab a couple of pots or dishes, and clean a few right away – you don’t have to excavate the sink first, before you can even start (which by then is probably full of horrible, gooey things, because you can’t properly rinse out or dispose of stuff, with the sink blocked).
Sorry… this is something i’m still trying to get my roommates to understand. Tune in next week on Righteous Rants for “Toilet Seats – up or down?”
(yes – i have male roommates….grin)
Hail the holy dishwasher!
The order of importance of devices in a house is: washing machine, microwave, dishwasher, fridge, and then the rest. The order may change depending on how close either shopping mall, restaurants and the other various “external services” are.
I will never accept a household without a dishwasher, EVER. I would fix that RIGHT AWAY. Zero tolerance here.
Invest in an autoclave?
@Joachom I hear you… (and personally agree) but it’s not a full solution. We have a dishwasher in my house. But the sink will STILL fill up if i allow it, because, until someone empties the dishwasher, you can’t load more into it.
And also, not everyone has access to a dishwasher, or room for it, in the kitchen they can afford.
Bins. It’s all saved by the bins, i tell ya!
I can totally relate to this. I just discovered this comic today. I am super happy that I did
I read every one! Thanks for such a great comic!!
(p.s. my sink currently looks like that, even though I have a dishwasher)
Yeah, this is a good example of why I claimed that chore in my house. heh
Fill up the tub with HOT HOT HOT water. Put a spoon full of dawn in there. Soak for a week & they’ll be clean as a whistle. Helps its a neighbour or a parent’s tub. You may or may not get the dishes back. Though once, I put everything in a large party bucket and washed them in the local grocery store. I had to borrow a team outfit but they had a stack of them in the deli department.
sadly this is my life