This freaking guy…
An Update on the Queerest Wedding
Hey, all! We just wanted to publicly answer some FAQs and generally get everyone up to speed with the wedding deets so far!
1. Who are you and what the hell is this?
We’re A. Stiffler & K. Copeland, a queer couple making queer comics and we’re about to host a queer wedding bash this October! Holy crap.

2. How’s the funding going?
Extremely well! We’re so, so dang close to our initial GoFundMe goal and would love to hit it! If we do fund early enough, we could potentially look into stretch goals to treat everyone with some extra special stuff. We’ve already secured a venue, too, which brings me to…
3. What’s your venue like?
It’s a mausoleum! No, really. It’s a huge, historical gem in our city that deserves to host a lot of love. Plus, it really brings in the death-to-marriage-inequality! The event will be on both floors(!!!), features a stage, 1920′s architectural detailing, stained glass, and all kinds of cool marble corridors.

4. What are your wedding plans, so far?
To keep the boring ceremony part short, to have a lot of fun with everyone, and to be as inclusive as possible! To the last point, we’ll have pronoun stickers available for those that want them, a quiet/creative space for those who need to take a party-break, and plenty of allergen/dietary-friendly fare for all. Part of having a good time is not having to worry about that sort of stuff, amiright? We’re also still looking for ways to incorporate everyone online (streaming, hashtags, etc.), which is super-exciting!

5. Wait, how do I attend?
As we’ve said before, the RSVP is open to everyone! We have to limit the actual number of attendees because buildings can realistically only hold so many people, so we’re screening the RSVPs on a primarily first-come-first-invited basis. Your best bet at getting a genuine invitation is to fill out our RSVP as soon as you can, since we’re trying to get the guest list wrapped up fairly soon.
6. Oh no! What if I don’t get invited?
No worries, friend! We’re planning on a meetup here in town around the time of the wedding party and there’s no limit to how many people can come to that! We want to have fun with everyone who’s willing to hang out with us (we’re excitable like that), so you’re totally welcome one way or another.

Hopefully that covers the top questions we’ve been getting! I can’t tell you how excited we are to hold this event and have fun with everyone. We’re deep into the detail-planning/panic-attack phase of this whole thing, so don’t be afraid to drop us a line if you have any other questions in the future!
Love and Kisses,
Hey, I’m from Israel and therefore cannot physically attend (although I want to), so instead I’ll wish you the best, a very happy life, full of queer adventures and comic-esque friends and that your love be like wine, growing richer and better with every passing year. Amen
I killed my responsibili-shrew the first time I saw it…It scared me…now I’m an irresponsible adult! Huzzah! 😀
Also too bad I can’t go to your wedding. I really wish I could but living in Brazil has its downsides. I wish ya both much happiness. Its a shame. I think a gay boy in the middle of the crazy will really liven things up but I’m sure there will be plenty of those there too! lol
So it finally has a name. Although I figure mine bigger, with larger carnivorous teeth, and sitting on my shoulder with my flesh at bite range.
I’m also quite jealous of those who can be at your wedding, I’m sure it’s gonna be totally awesome. I’d also love to meet you in person, but it’s gonna be a crucial point of my university semester here in Quebec City and I don’t even have the time to see my close-by friends so it’s to say I really can’t afford it time-wise. Anyways. I’m happy for you!
Funny, that’s my husbands nickname for me.
You cracked me up! I tossed my responsibility shrew down a flight of stairs a few days ago in a fit of rage. College gah!
Any word on how to deal with this pest of a (presumably) rodent?