Punctuation Polish
Oh, how the internet never ceases to amaze me. Fortunately, the hate mail that seeps out of it is something that’s both infrequent and hilarious, with topics that range from personal differences to outrage over completely relative things (I’m pretty sure Clothes Shopping is, apparently, the most hateful thing I’ve ever created) to the utterly batshit garbage that I’m pretty sure was someone having a seizure on top of their keyboards. I wind up more worried for their well-being than upset by the text diarrhea shoved into my inbox.
I guess the lesson here is: don’t let the internet get you down, and if you really must wade into the cesspools of trolls, a few <3’s thrown here and there will really cheer up any message. You fucks. <3
Also, we have loads of new merchandise in our Society6 shop, including art from our LiveStream and several t-shirts inspired from our comics! Just think, you could be the proud owner of this:
And, uh, at this point I was going to advertise some original art I had for sale — I had this part all typed up already and had to delete all of my original-art-related jokes, suffice it to say they were very funny — but it all sold out within 24 hours and the entire blurb was rendered useless. Well, hooray! You don’t have to read that, but you just had to read this, so ha.
(This ending is awkward.)
I’m curious as to what they consider hateful in that comic? Also, very good reply!
Please continue being awesome. <3 That's all I want from this life.
Hey Grrrls!! remember, when someone do shit like this is because, in the bottom of their rotten hearts, they admire you. cheers!!
love the reply! Maybe you should do a comical thing about one of the hate- mails?
Reminds of the recent news bit about an autistic child in Edmonton (the “donate to science” part). Not sure if that’s where part of the inspiration came from… regardless… I add emoticons like that to “soften” things. >.<
I can imagine comedy without dangerously stupid people(still laughing).
Now I want read the original e-mail.
Marcelo Staudt – best avatar evar. Wish I had such a clear pic!
This is Perfect. I just adore this (and I have been there). I especially like the rose at the end.
Glad your art sale went so well! You know what that means? Like everything in life, it has no intrinsic meaning, but we can attach some meanings to it, and we will. We humans are doing that, night and day. So it could mean (and probably does) that many people love, appreciate and value Your art. It could also mean that your prices are too low. I wouldn’t know, since I have never been able to place an appropriate price on anything I have ever done. Is that the artists’ curse, or what?
I’m now painfully interested in reading whatever wreckage it was that inspired this comic.
I love you and this comic.
Now I really want to know what email you were replying to…
I’ve just been shuffling my way through a LOT of unfunny material in the Ctrl+Alt+Del comics… Thanks for being here for me.
It is a thing of beauty.
If you aren’t pissing off self-righteous people, you’re doing something wrong.
Any pointers?
That’s a motto to live by.
I just realized all of the comic titles are alliterations. Yeah, that’s all I have to contribute.
I just want you to know, the moment I read this comic I bought that pillow. It completes me.
This is a good time to tell you that all the faces you draw look exactly the same. I find it hard to believe you look just like your wife…
This is a good time to tell you that it’s a comic. I know this might be hard to hear. It’s just a comic. Everyone looks similar because it’s a style, and a simplistic, casual style at that! I’ve even flat-out told people that our two faces are almost exactly alike in the comic when they try to point out that I draw her features “prettier” than mine. It seems people have lost contact with these crazy little things called “comics” — I assure you, your local newspaper probably still has one or two you can peruse.
I think a positive way to view Canzate’s comment would be the suggestion that in the future one of you should have an eye-patch and the other should don a false mustache, maybe a face tattoo that changes from comic to comic. Wouldn’t want to misread his intentions to be something dumb like going around the Internet criticizing stylistic decisions that are hardly noteworthy unless you are a fine art critic or a huge prick. It would be particularly silly to think one would harp on web comics that have already established their individual styles and have garnered success from those styles. Plus it looks pretty great to me as it is. Quit pickin’ them nits!
I read “Clothes Shopping” before I archive binged, and I didn’t get it. (I get pretty much every other strip here.) I figured I’d understand it after I finished archive binging. Still nope. Every so often, I stumble on some comic or joke that I’m completely missing the cultural context for. (Like the one about the Welsh soldier on guard duty, which I had to get my military friends to explain to me.) I guess this is one of them.
I know for me, women’s clothing uses abstract sizing labels as opposed to men’s clothing which is usually labeled using measurements; eg, how big is a woman’s size 16? who the fuck knows? Oh men’s 38? That means 38 inches. Brilliant.
Also a lot of women’s fashion seems to be more “advanced” with vary varying styles and trends which is fine if you like it, but if you don’t, it can be really hard to find something “simple.”
I recently bought a men’s hoodie bc I couldn’t find any women’s hoodies that were just simple and warm. Only men’s clothing provided solace that for some reason.
Oh come on…people are butthurt because you “ciriticised” (I think the word is far too strong) jeggings? What the hell?? Anyone who was ever looking for a basic piece of clothing (without any ornaments or ‘reinterpretations’) at a particular season knows how hard it is to find it in women’s apparel.
You need to make this an email template so I can use it on those I don’t enjoy receiving emails from :).
This has to be one of the most cathartic comics you’ve put up (for me, as a reader). I am one hundred percent this way when dealing with trolls on the internet, and my wife cannot comprehend why I take the time to do it. Sometimes, it just needs to be done!
OMG you opened the comments!!! I can finally tell you how much I love this comic! (Which is to say, a lot.) Thank you for putting so much time into this comic, I really enjoy it, and what you said about being agendered was interesting and informative.
I hope you, your spouse, and your very adorable pets are having a great day. Keep up the good work!
Often when I end up on websites that require me to enter my email and name and stuff in order to download something… I typically leave something like fuck@you.com First name: Douche Last name: Baggins
So yeah.. I’m one of those people :>
I don’t really bother with words. I just type up random things and autocorrect takes it from there. I had an account for a hotel with the username “Consider.”
I like that you don’t take it personally.
Also that is one of my favorite comics because I relate so much. Growing up I had a hard time figuring out all the different sizes for girls clothes. When I found a pair of shorts that didn’t go up your ass it happened to be in the boy’s section and it was like a whole new and logical world with actual measurements opened up for me.
Love your comics, I’m actually going back through them. Think I have read them before but they haven’t lost any charm.