Worst part is, I do this to myself by trying not to do it to myself. I go “Don’t think about a child’s ghost watching you below the fridge as you stumble your way through the darkness to your bedroom…”
This is so adorkable. I wish I had someone with whom to be scared (and comforted). Usually, when I hear a thump in the night, it is one of my old folks hitting the floor. On the upside, I’m getting muscular from picking them up and putting them back in their beds.
I suppose there’s a silver lining to everything! I’m sure they appreciate your comfort wholeheartedly and I bet that first part will happen in no time! <3
Oh, I dunno. My husband died ten years ago and my wife died a year ago. Now I’m taking care of my dad (87), mom (89) and uncle (99). All three are dying of various ailing and failing things. I’m trying not to get depressed, but it may be unavoidable. You two help me more than You could imagine. Thank You for being so sweet to me. >smooches<
Hi, you don’t know me but I just wanted to say: what you’re doing is LOVING, IMPORTANT and you I know it’s hard on you in ways no one else can see but you’ll get through it… because you you can handle it – you’re TOUGH! I’m sorry if I’m intruding into an area that I really shouldn’t but your comment demanded a bit of a cheer and some of the old “give’em what for” from the Universe to YOU.
My favourite trick is to get out all of my COLLECTED GHOST STORIES OF M R JAMES and my GHOST STORIES FOR CHRISTMAS DVDs when I’m alone and get myself jumping at every little noise. Why do I do it to myself?
Lovely comic strip. The muted colours make it look like night-time without the loss of any detail. I love the fact that three of the panels are very ‘talky’ but the final payoff is silent.
Instead of monsters i think I’m more scared of those possessed little girls that stand at the foot of your bed holding their teddy bears and singing a lullaby in that creepy unnatural high pitched voice then look up at you with glowing yellow eyes then smiles and then…shit… i ain’t sleeping tonight -.-
this is very very familiar!
“Honey what was that?” “probably just the cat” “Nah it was an evil serial killer coming to cut off our faces and eat them!” “you’re just going to scare yourself hon go to sleep. “*more details about serial killer” “Goodnight dear” “No now I’m scared! Stay awake and snuggle me to protect me! oh hey it’s just the cat hi kitty!”
Probably not the best thing to talk about with your schizophrenic wife. Though I imagine if she ends up seeing/hallucinating/whatever the preferred term it, she remembers that you just talked about it
That’s why my wife and I let out dog sleep with us. She’s a wimp when it comes to protections, but she’ll bark like mad if we really need be worried. xD
Hey, I really enjoy reading your comic! Really like the drawing and how you write about the things that go through your head all the time. Thank you very much and congratulations on being so talented. You’re also the one in charge of drawing FindChaos, right? That’s really good as well, love the story. How often do you update the blog?
The two of you are some pretty laid back cat owners. With what you’ve said about Konstantin, I’d be worried that it was him destroying something in retaliation for not getting his way.
This kinda thing is the reason why upon heading to bed that I always close the door to my room without looking behind me in to the black void that is my hallway.
Shadows and lighting in this strip are pretty… You planning to make the move away from the mostly flat colouring for this style permanently? Or just using it here to accentuate the creepy nighttime vibe? Nice either way.
Don’t feel too bad, I do this to myself a lot also…
Worst part is, I do this to myself by trying not to do it to myself. I go “Don’t think about a child’s ghost watching you below the fridge as you stumble your way through the darkness to your bedroom…”
second and third panels looks like character on left has some teeth problems :p
I have a gap tooth. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a problem.
I think the gap tooth is cute, I have one too
I like it, and I like that you add it in the comic. (You guys are great and your comic is fantastic!)
Next time, pretend its something cute and fluffy.
That scurries up to bite your ankles.
would rather it bit my ankles than swallow my soul, could even cuddle afterwords
so a killer demonic, soul eating but extra fluffy rabbit? 0.o
This is so adorkable. I wish I had someone with whom to be scared (and comforted). Usually, when I hear a thump in the night, it is one of my old folks hitting the floor. On the upside, I’m getting muscular from picking them up and putting them back in their beds.
I suppose there’s a silver lining to everything! I’m sure they appreciate your comfort wholeheartedly and I bet that first part will happen in no time! <3
bites ankles? like Alice? xP
Oh, I dunno. My husband died ten years ago and my wife died a year ago. Now I’m taking care of my dad (87), mom (89) and uncle (99). All three are dying of various ailing and failing things. I’m trying not to get depressed, but it may be unavoidable. You two help me more than You could imagine. Thank You for being so sweet to me. >smooches<
Hi, you don’t know me but I just wanted to say: what you’re doing is LOVING, IMPORTANT and you I know it’s hard on you in ways no one else can see but you’ll get through it… because you you can handle it – you’re TOUGH! I’m sorry if I’m intruding into an area that I really shouldn’t but your comment demanded a bit of a cheer and some of the old “give’em what for” from the Universe to YOU.
Step through your days well.
Awwww. Thank You, Christopher. You are so sweet. Far from intruding, You really made my day. I get Your Love and Love You back. >smooch<
Oh my. I miss this.
Great comic as always. The colors on the panel seem to pop more today and the art feels like it has more visual depth. Looks good.
Have you always drawn yourself with your teeth like that, or is that a new addition? I just don’t remember it, I’m not trying to criticize or anything
Not always-always, but for the last 6 months or so? I can’t place an exact date without some digging, but this certainly isn’t the first appearance.
First appearance of tooth-gap: May 11, 2012.
The actual answer is almost always “a cat”.
Think unscary thoughts, think unscary thoughts, think unscary thoughts…
My favourite trick is to get out all of my COLLECTED GHOST STORIES OF M R JAMES and my GHOST STORIES FOR CHRISTMAS DVDs when I’m alone and get myself jumping at every little noise. Why do I do it to myself?
Lovely comic strip. The muted colours make it look like night-time without the loss of any detail. I love the fact that three of the panels are very ‘talky’ but the final payoff is silent.
hahahahahaha can’t stop laughing!XD
These always make me smile. Thank you.
The best way I’ve found to deal with this sort of thing is to end it with, “and it can only be frightened away by loud sex!”
I just noticed that You do the three-finger hand thing. How did I not notice that before???
Now that you mention it, I have never noticed until now either!
But Bat Beauty have a normal number of fingers. Strange.
I just found your website today, and I somehow lost track of time and went through the entire archive. I just wanted to say that I love your work!
Instead of monsters i think I’m more scared of those possessed little girls that stand at the foot of your bed holding their teddy bears and singing a lullaby in that creepy unnatural high pitched voice then look up at you with glowing yellow eyes then smiles and then…shit… i ain’t sleeping tonight -.-
Nice slice of life as usual.
Visuals always strong.
Fingers in bottom right seem scarily flexible.
Not read the comic yet, had to come and say how much my eyes like your colouring today. Ok… off to read now.
The noise was most likely a grue. It’s usually a grue.
Is it me or has the art really improved over the last lil while? I like it
It’s just Slenderman…. watching. Waiting.
Just discovered and finished reading through this comic and FindChaos. Awesome work!
They mostly come at night, mostly.
I live alone, and hearing something at night that sounds like it’s inside my house is terrifying!
this is very very familiar!
“Honey what was that?” “probably just the cat” “Nah it was an evil serial killer coming to cut off our faces and eat them!” “you’re just going to scare yourself hon go to sleep. “*more details about serial killer” “Goodnight dear” “No now I’m scared! Stay awake and snuggle me to protect me! oh hey it’s just the cat hi kitty!”
Probably not the best thing to talk about with your schizophrenic wife. Though I imagine if she ends up seeing/hallucinating/whatever the preferred term it, she remembers that you just talked about it
Don’t talk like that about monsters…
Maybe it only wants to be LOVED.
That’s why my wife and I let out dog sleep with us. She’s a wimp when it comes to protections, but she’ll bark like mad if we really need be worried. xD
Hey, I really enjoy reading your comic! Really like the drawing and how you write about the things that go through your head all the time. Thank you very much and congratulations on being so talented. You’re also the one in charge of drawing FindChaos, right? That’s really good as well, love the story. How often do you update the blog?
Sorry I wrote such a long comment. Cheers!
My girlfriend never gets scared of imaginary stuff, like, never ever. It’s kinda boring
The two of you are some pretty laid back cat owners. With what you’ve said about Konstantin, I’d be worried that it was him destroying something in retaliation for not getting his way.
This kinda thing is the reason why upon heading to bed that I always close the door to my room without looking behind me in to the black void that is my hallway.
Shadows and lighting in this strip are pretty… You planning to make the move away from the mostly flat colouring for this style permanently? Or just using it here to accentuate the creepy nighttime vibe? Nice either way.
ah, gotta love the people that scare themselves silly XD
I actually use this to fall asleep. The monster is in the room and if I move it kills me. It works. Kind of.
Ah, the awkward “Why the hell did I say that” silence.