The one Hard Pass we have in horror. Nah, nuh uh, don’t need that.
We rely solely on your support to pay our bills and your donations directly go to help cover monthly meds!
You can support us in a variety of ways on several platforms:
- Patreon — Subscribe for as little as $1 per month (you set the limit!) to get access to comics before they’re released, Patreon-exclusive content, making-of videos, and .pdfs!
- Ko-Fi — Show your appreciation in a more social way via $3 increments
- PayPal — Donate to us directly to give us instant funds!
- Venmo/CashApp @findchaos — See above, it’s what the kids are doing.
- Amazon Wishlists for the creators and the pets
Thanks in advance for any support you can give! There’s no understating how much it means to us and your money is going directly towards improving queer lives (ours, with food and housing) which will benefit society as a whole (debatable, we’ll be making more very queer comics). And if you can’t support us in a monetary way, that’s totally okay! Just be sure to follow us on social media (see About for links) and share our work whenever you can. Your readership and encouragement have a huge impact!
Big fan of for these purposes.
Was just coming here to post this
I second