Familiar Faces by admin on October 28, 2015 at 12:01 am Chapter: comic At least we remember the important things. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet └ Tags: chaoslife, comic, comics, dogs, faces, familiar, funny, names, outdoors, park, pets
Oh my GOD this is so true. I got five neighbors with dogs, and I know all the dogs and none of the neighbors.
Hahahah, that is totally, 100% me. Pet names? No problem. People? ….
Oh god, that’s literally me. I take my dogs to the dog park every day, and there are all these other owners there with their dogs. Without fail, I remember the names of all the dogs, but none of the owners.
I can completely relate XD
I pushed more air out of my face than usual. I call that a success.
As sad as this is, I do this with my neighbors…
It’s like when you’re kids and the neighbors are all “Timmy’s mom” and “Suzy’s dad.”
you always draw the happiest dang animals. The photobomber in the last panel (panelbomber?) will be making me laugh all day long.
Thank you for being awesome.
No, but really, this is my job.
So glad I’m not the only one that only remembers the dogs’ names.
This is so me.