Bat Beauty

Konstantin Deploring the New Space

Desk To Desk: Holden & Banky Setup

Let’s do some goddamn work!
Our new studio space!
With how much K and I are working on different projects at the same time, having our work spaces scattered around the apartment just didn’t make sense. So, instead, we transformed our living room into a much more functional creative space where we can give each other dirty looks and throw things at each other easily collaborate! Or, to be even more accurate, a more eccentric version of Holden and Banky’s studio living room in Chasing Amy.
Also, ignore the decoupage fail I made on one of the tables. Never fear, their veneer was already fucked up beyond belief.
Discussion (66) ¬
Yes. Just… just yes.
You know, I never really thought of old Batters as part of the New Romantic movement of the early 80s. Thinking about it, though….eye makeup, tights, knee-length boots, cape. If only he’d wear a ruffled shirt he’d pass unnoticed in a disco of the period.
Not only that, when he’s out and about in the night, he will fight so much harder to not be unmasked.
oh my god. this may be my favourite thing on the internet and i can’t believe i’ve never seen it suggested before. instant headcanon. (maybe more dick grayson headcanon than bruce wayne headcanon, but still. XD)
I always wondered how he wiped it all off so effectively to be Bruce Wayne again, I can’t even get rid of eye-liner properly without a shower.
*insert head canon*
Fear the night… fear the fabulous…
Ha! I love how your minds work.
This makes me so happy!
I’m pretty sure I saw a my little pony tail sticking out from under his mask in this one scene.
Bwahahahaha! I *love* this!
(ps: thanks for trying out comments on your site. Love your comic and so many times have wanted to leave a comment and been bummed not to be able to do so! Here’s to hoping folks can remain civil so that you can keep the comments without too much heartache or negativity…)
This has to be the best comic I’ve seen form you, so far! XD
That’s why I prefer Batman 1989.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Batman is my favorite super hero!!!! You guys are amazing!!! <3
I just went through every one of your comics and you are a talent. I really enjoy what you do!
Well… I gotta tell ya… I just read ALL of your comics. I think I have a cracked rib from laughing (expect a doctor’s bill soon-ish) =P I laughed so, so hard at your cats introduction comics, I literally, almost died. And it was exactly what I needed. So thank you very much lovelies. You and your wife are funny, funny people. I’ve got you bookmarked. =)
Waaah! I just read through your whole archive after reading some depressing shit and it cheered me up immensely. And now I’m at the end (for now). So sad. -And thanks so much for all of your silly, sweet and educational comics. Your worldview has sort of given me some hope.
Waaaa, es fabulosamente alucinante XD
Gives new meaning to the phrase, “secret identity!” Secret gender identity?
AHAHAH. Great comic! love your style and your humor!
P.S. Wait, is your wife really wearing a T-shirt without sleeves? Why is still so cold in Italy, why?!?!?
BAAAH I just caught up 🙁 Want more.
sharing this. I know some batman fans that will love this!
As being deemed by a friend, I am batgirl. And Batman IIIIS fabulous XD
batman is fabulous and so are you! Your comics make me laugh so hard, so yeah, thanks 🙂
except that you never saw that in any of the comics…or movies….or TV shows….or animated series….or animated movies….
This is SO full of win. BATWIN! Σ:-)
I love all the comics and I was sorry to see I could not place a comment but and happy to do so now. get work and I can’t wait to see more.
She makes a valid point. I mean how often do people see his face when he has the makeup on? He could really have anything there. The possibilities are… endless. O.O
Also is it weird that out of all the three pictures, the two things that caught my attention were that awesome tree painting, and the Jack Skellington figure?
Is Konstantin wearing an ascot?
Really, really enjoying ChaosLife and you guys’ art style.
I am, however, simultaneously tickled and horrified at the thought of The Batman drawing henna-esque borders to his eye makeup.
I just read all of your comics in one sitting and just wanted to let you know that you are amazing! Your comic is hilarious and full of win!
Damn it! I’m tempted to turn my head counterclockwise whenever I see an image tilted clockwise.
This comic is brilliant, thankee!
Love it! You can’t spend a lot of time getting your makeup right in a phone booth, after all.
This is the comic that got me interested in reading, and so glad I did 😀
Not sure why but I thought you’re also working with a tablet I mean WaCom or anything, if you do ( do you? xD ) where do you put it? :O
“And the night is fabulous.”
LOL loved it hahaha!
What creeps me out is how you guys have four fingers on your hands, yet Batman has five.
love your cat’s tie 😀
You have such a beautiful home!
I can’t help but wonder the learning process to get it all the way to the edge of his eyelids, accidental jabbing his eyes etc.
Priceless, always wandered about it. And that one, is a beautiful studio 😀
Ah, that Asia map – my favourite land mass starting with a not being Antarctica.
First off, I love this comic with every fiber of my being, and this particular one is no exception. Batman eye make up makes me happy. Also, I kinda want your studio set up.
Is that a map of Asia circa 1700 on your wall?
Yep! 🙂
Batman looks like Pallis from Razia’s Shadow
New headcanon set 😀
this comics is so cool – thank you for making all this
i like it really much <3
I love this comic to bits. It’s so hard to find good comics these days that I actually enjoy. Please continue this! Inline it to pieces!
Upon seeing the 2 desks, my 1st thought was less “Chasing Amy”, & more “Deathtrap”: