:O WHAT? NO! …actually, now that I think about it, green IS a bit of a weird colour for a t-shirt. I think that might be one colour that I don’t have a t-shirt of…
Whereas I, have almost nothing but green shirts. BUt they all look brown to me anyway because Red-Green colourblindness. HOORAY FOR PATHETIC GENE MUTATIONS!
Even Constantine stopped caring (is it weird that I know the name of a pet whose owner i have never met?) Ummmm, btw, where do you live? Its just for… researching purposes… ahem.
Actually, I thought living by a busy road meant that people who passed by would not have time to look through the windows. A constant stream of traffic does not mix well with wandering eyes. Unless the road is prone to jams. Only then do you have to deal with the possibility of people staring. And even then, it only works if its dark out there and light inside.
LOL I just had a similar conversation with my housemate, who is convinced every window hides a perv waiting to catch a glimpse of us in our undies. I was like, ‘There are two feet of snow outside. Anyone staking out our house in this weather deserves a good show!’ (She almost fainted.) Our cat likes to do his “nether regions” laundry in front of the window, too, but makes sure to give the world a show!
I just took a look at Lesbians 101 about the creators, and just wanted to point out that it’s pretty awesome we live in the same state. Go Ohio! (Though they need to get on the ball with same sex marriage, seriously)
wait…how long has this “Alphabet title” thing going on? Like, last comic was Reptile Relations, and now it’s Shifting Shame…did I just pick up on that?
Peter is still shy *-*. LOVE him.
I love how Peter still doesn´t get whats going on outside…
Same story. Just with my roommates. And neighbors. We named one of the “The Dude”. He’s cool.
Does he abide?
“Year 10 – Hey, we’re on Youtube!” -K
*A. shrieks in response.*
Well at least Kostantin is mucking around with his back to the window! He shows a little modesty after all C:
Soooooooo… you don’t have curtains?
We do indeed, we just don’t like keeping all of them closed 24/7. There comes a point where you just stop giving a fuck.
So you’ve been wearing the same t-shirt for 6 years?
Our closet is full of nothing but green t-shirts. (Twist: I don’t own a single green t-shirt.)
:O WHAT? NO! …actually, now that I think about it, green IS a bit of a weird colour for a t-shirt. I think that might be one colour that I don’t have a t-shirt of…
Whereas I, have almost nothing but green shirts. BUt they all look brown to me anyway because Red-Green colourblindness. HOORAY FOR PATHETIC GENE MUTATIONS!
You get way better outline/pattern vision though. Camo also doesn’t work on you!
So much love for the both of y’all!
My mom does this in a neighborhood filled with children. The things those kiddos have witnessed. u_u
Even Constantine stopped caring (is it weird that I know the name of a pet whose owner i have never met?) Ummmm, btw, where do you live? Its just for… researching purposes… ahem.
If it makes you feel any better, you don’t. It’s *Konstantin*.
Wow. Peter hasn’t moved from that spot for 6 years. Must be staring at something interesting with that one eye. O_o
Na, both pictures must have been made on cloudy days as we learned a while ago that Peter shuns sunlight. Pure coincidence
Actually, I thought living by a busy road meant that people who passed by would not have time to look through the windows. A constant stream of traffic does not mix well with wandering eyes. Unless the road is prone to jams. Only then do you have to deal with the possibility of people staring. And even then, it only works if its dark out there and light inside.
Or just perform an entertaining act for the people in jams, and hope they don’t live close enough to see you at the store
Lol, reminds me of getting used to a train in our house. It was very annoying at first, now I can’t sleep without hearing it O_o
Um did you know that Have A Gay Day on Facebook featured one of your comics? You can see it here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=462161400556645&set=a.192270474212407.34793.192269477545840&type=1&relevant_count=1
After ten years, K. finally gave some thought to putting on clothes.
(alternatively insert sexist joke about women taking forever to get dressed when going outside.)
six years, even… Octoberasian’s comment threw me off.
Welcome to NYC life.
Made, me and my wife’s entire week. We love your comments. She begged me not to fangirl comment again. -.-
is the bra K wears really existing? If yes, where did she bought it! It’s awesome!
LOL I just had a similar conversation with my housemate, who is convinced every window hides a perv waiting to catch a glimpse of us in our undies. I was like, ‘There are two feet of snow outside. Anyone staking out our house in this weather deserves a good show!’ (She almost fainted.) Our cat likes to do his “nether regions” laundry in front of the window, too, but makes sure to give the world a show!
I just took a look at Lesbians 101 about the creators, and just wanted to point out that it’s pretty awesome we live in the same state. Go Ohio! (Though they need to get on the ball with same sex marriage, seriously)
I’m impressed that you drew Peter with his cataracts in the second comic!
wait…how long has this “Alphabet title” thing going on? Like, last comic was Reptile Relations, and now it’s Shifting Shame…did I just pick up on that?
Well, quite often in the last 20 comics … I’d say it’s deliberate, but couldn’t find the master plan.