Climate Change
Also, for our civilized metric-system-using readers: That’s 10° Celsius.
We’ve long debated why this occurs on an annual basis. Is it because K grew up largely in New Orleans while I spent my formative years in tumultuous central Ohio? Is it because our bloodlines come from different regions, mine being so far North in Europe, we forgot what melanin was? Or maybe it’s the fact that K’s chronically anemic, whereas my blood roars through my veins at a snail’s pace, so the whole “I’m freezing to death” memo takes a while to get to my brain.
The world may never know.
Until Winter hits, and then it’s:


Love and Kisses,
50°F? Is that low? I have no idea because of the point of this comic and I am too lazy to count it at 3AM… though I guess it’s low because the pics under the strip… right?
10° Celsius, to be precise! Whether that means it’s warm or cold depends on which of us you ask.
Also depends on where you’re from. I find 50 to be nice a balmy, but other Texans act like the Donner Party.
It also kind of depends on how dry the air is, and ‘is it windy?’
Like, where i live, if its 50°, its cold. But up near Eureka? Its a pleasant day.
Also it may depend on how much you stay indoors, how much sun you soak up, and what temperatures you grew up with.
I think..
BUT YUP. I’m usually pretty good at 50°. Unless i just ate. then its freezing and no jacket will make me warmer.
I dunno, it also depends on whether the weather was previously cooler or not. Right now it’s 50 degrees and I’m out with my jacket open. Hits below 45 and I’m freezing my ass off at this time of the year. Yet in my house where the temp is set to 68 I don’t want to crawl out of my bed in the morning. Also… wind hurts like hell at this time of the year.
im wearing my t-shirt at -25 c° so its imposible to make a snowball hit not melt when it hits my back -_- my life is weird
I’m the same; I never feel cold (though I tend to wear peacoats, just because I like the look), and I get smoothies and Icecream well into the Cleveland winter (which as an Ohioan, you probably know can range from perpetually autumn to John Carpenter’s the Thing).
Hmm, for me, 50°f is cozy hoodie and hot cider weather. Though I much prefer cool weather to warm weather. When the weather is chilly, you can always put on another layer or wrap up in another blanket. But when it’s so bleedin hot, you can strip down to you skivvies and lay on a tiled floor and still feel sweltering.
I love to nest, I’m happiest when cozied up in a pile of fluffy blankets and soft sweaters up to my nose.
“When the weather is chilly, you can always put on another layer or wrap up in another blanket. But when it’s so bleedin hot, you can strip down to you skivvies and lay on a tiled floor and still feel sweltering.”
My exact reasoning why I like winter better than summer! You can always add another layer, which I love sweaters, so that’s a plus.
Also it’s-8.1°c here in Canada (at least where I live), with added wind and it’s fall jacket weather to me!
50 is great weather… brisk and comforting… Warm enough for tshirts but chill enough for a cup of cocoa…
So are the tables reversed in the height of summer?
Further proof that Stiffler and I have a ridiculous amount in common and same goes for K and my wife.
I don’t think it’s dependent on where you grew up. I’m from Hawaii and as soon as I could get away to college I moved north. I’m in Seattle now and missing the cooler weather in North Idaho where it is currently 15 degrees F. I must have warm blood or something as I am always warm or overheating and have had various female and girlfriends tell me that I am an excellent space heater.
I live in a special place. Here it hits 128 F (53 C) in the summer & drops to 12 F (-11 C) in the winter. There really isn’t much of a spring or fall in the high desert. We have two seasons….Windy hot, & windy cold. XD
I used to go out in T-Shirt at below freezing temperatures – Yet I decided to wear pullovers/jacket as it is ‘socially adequate’ …
Stifler is from the north of Europe? D:
Cool, I’m Norwegian n__n I had no idea.
I grew up in Ohio too. Then I moved to Phoenix for five years. When I moved back to Ohio I nearly friggin’ froze to death.
I’m with you, K.
Before this ulcer and losing thirty pounds I didn’t have to lose, I’d be happy in a t-shirt as long as it was above freezing and I had gloves. Now I’m finding out what it’s like to get cold because I don’t have the body mass to generate and retain heat.
I know what that is, sometimes there is ice on the road and i walk around the house with a T, shorts and flippers while my gf is wearing 4 layers of clothing and begging for me to lit the fireplace… And I’m the anemic one…
This is totally me and my husband. I’m the one shivering. 😛
He once spent New Years up in Toronto, because LA (where he was living at the time) was way too warm for him. He had the sliding door to the balcony open all evening, and called down to the front desk to complain because there was no way to turn the heat completely off. Which clearly proves I’m the normal one in this relationship. [wry smile]
This is exactly how me and my BF are. Except I’m originally from the tundra of New England and he’s from Alabama but I’m always cold, and always anemic as well. 72 is cold to me and he’s wandering around in shorts in 50 degrees
K, you just became more awesome now that I know you grew up in New Orleans. I <3 Louisiana and New Orleans. have some gumbo and warm up.
I read “bloodlines” as “bloodliness” the first time, and it made for a confusing read. Also, everyone knows that the trick to fighting cold weather is by making your insides colder than your outsides, so K should really give your frosty cone method a try.
Winter is coming.
Yeah, I had to say it. It’s cold here in California, already. And, yes, 40F to 50F is cold to Californians! Lol.
My sister and I are the same, we grew up together in the same regions, so I don’t get it either. She starts bundling up when it hits the sixties, and 70 is almost too warm for me. :\
But it’s never too old for ice cream. 😀
First of all, LOL. Second of all, this looks exactly like my boyfriend and myself. The whole comic does, actually, as you portray yourself in a way that makes it so it looks like him. And this…this comic…I laugh….But then I cry because I can’t feel my fingers… I hear you, K! BE STRONG….I LIVE IN CANADA, YOU CAN SO DO IT.
-laugh- I lost it at ‘devil treat’
This is me and my sister. She grew up in the desert so anything below 70 and she’s reaching for a jacket. Me? If it’s not windy or raining I can go out in a T-shirt when it’s 45-50F.
I am from Texas and I am just like K in this situation, hell I feel really chilly at 70° F (21° C).
I do the t-shirt and ice-cream even when it is -10°C (-14°F) haha.
Barefoot on ice is surprisingly non-slippery…
I live in the prairies in Canada. Right now it’s a balmy -9 Celcius (16 F). Well, balmy compared to last night’s -30 C weather (-22 F). By January, we’ll be hitting -40! 😛
I am born and raised in Louisiana, so when it gets to be around 75 to 60 its when things get quite cold for me. Friends in higher regions can’t believe when I say its a nice day outside and its getting around eighty degrees with high humidity. So I feel her pain for the cold… but its always a time for ice cream.
The Japanese did some research on sweat glands that demonstrated that how many active sweat glands you have as an adult depends on how hot it was where you lived as a child, regardless of how many active sweat glands your parents had. There might be a similar effect working for cold tolerance. On the other hand the Inuit have several inheritable physical traits that make high temperatures difficult for them to handle. But conserve heat and prevent frostbite in extreme low temperatures.
Does K have an accent from having grown up in New Orleans?
Sadly this reminds me of almost every interaction with my female friends during winter…which is weird cause I’m from south Texas and they’re all from Oklahoma and apparently “use” to the cold…liars.
She’s from New Orleans?! HURRAH! Another New Orleanian who can’t take the cold. It got down to 28°F Thanksgiving night and people were dressed like they were taking a trip to the arctic circle.
We live here from 40°C (104°F) in summer and -40°C (-40°F) in winter. There was -55°C (-67°F) in 2012 🙂
From Siberia with love! ^_^
Don’t ever bring her to central or northern Canada. Where I live -40C is usually the norm during winter with spikes that go to -60, and it snows about an average 6-9 months out of the year.
Though I don’t think where I live in a normal tourist hot spot anyways, I still felt I should warn you. lol If you do decide to visit, stick to summers or at least somewhere near the coast lines.
Your fan from Canada. Keep warm and keep the LOLz a’coming. 🙂
in Canada 10°C is Spring weather. 🙂 We wear shorts… some all year round 😛
Actually Russians learned that eating ice cream warms you up and often eat it during winter !
The More You Know
It’s never too cold for some icecream