The Terror Vs Toddler Theory
This comic was loosely inspired by my most recent near-scrape with a toddler, which drew the above conclusion into our minds as I recounted it.
It was a couple of days ago when I made a run to the corner store to grab a few essentials for the evening. Being the (somewhat) environmentally conscious-type and likewise having an awesome backpack —
— I bought an armload of crap, passed on the plastic bags, and walked my haul outside to the corner of the building to load it into said awesome-pack. It was while I was crouched down and deciding whether the gin should go in before the beef jerky when I heard a distant sound behind me. A gurgle.
I looked over my shoulder and spied a stray toddler making its way cheerfully down the sidewalk, mere yards away, parents obliviously ogling the antique store instead of noticing my wide-eyed horror. The toddler’s head lolled around like a balloon behind held by its knot before the glazed-over eyes landed on me and for a moment, both of our bodies locked up with a start. Its slobbering lips spread to show its (I’m assuming countless) alarmingly small teeth and its stumbling gait suddenly had a target.

Just imagine this WAY smaller.
I’m not ashamed to admit, I actually felt a little bit of panic at that point. Realizing I was the end of that little blob’s trajectory, I turned back to my backpack and groceries. What was once a lazy game of packing-Tetris suddenly became a frantic, disorganized shoving of items, regardless of size, weight, or potential to shatter. Every time I glanced over my shoulder, the toddler was closer, the strange stains on its shirt more apparent, and my hands became more uncoordinated than ever.
And I’d like to insert here: did the parents notice the spooked and (making snap-judgments about my purchases) possibly boozed burnout of an adult giving their kid wild-eyed glances while fumbling with what could easily be a different kid’s backpack? No. Of course not. Bad things never happen to stray children.
In what I will forever deem one of the closest calls of my life, I finally strained and got the zipper closed. As I swung the heavy pack over my shoulder, a nubby hand reached out for my pants, the fingers covered in something that made me pray that kid had just eaten some chocolate, or a caramel apple, or dear god, anything but what it looked like. I stormed away with a bit more than my usual speed-walking gait and left the sound of burbling confusion in my wake.
Zombies might not be real, but the terror they cause surely is.
Stay safe out there, everyone.
Discussion (48) ¬
I just want you to know that I feel the same way about children. The same way.
It’s comics like this and the one you posted early about how you see babies that make my day. So much truth.
OMG yes the baby one made me almost fall out of my chair laughing.
Good for you dood, that’s one of my greatest fears… O_o
You forgot to mention they also carry germs and are extremely infectious!
I feel the same way about children and I HAVE children. Other people’s kids are terrifying and sticky.
I suppose that is true for the most part but… I really cant see the reason for your fear of toddlers… well, everyone has to have some kind of fear right? 🙂
They’re horrifying because they can’t be reasoned with. As long as it’s within their capability, they’re allowed to — can — and will do whatever they want to you, which is pretty much anything and everything you have or haven’t thought of. They’re unpredictable, they’re the incarnation of the wild, they’re not bounded by rules or morals placed upon us by society or by limits and standards we set for ourselves. We on the other hand are not as free; our actions are limited by our own thoughts and judgements of the circumstances based on countless factors, each of which has to be put under serious and thorough considerations; and even when we do take actions we are required to be as careful, precise and at the same time quick as possible. We also have a fear of having to face the consequences and be held responsible for every action we do or do not take.
We have physical advantages, but that’s all we have.
They are without much physical strength and mental knowledge, but that’s all they lack.
They are free; we are not.
We are afraid. They are not.
Compared to them, we are vulnerable.
I feel the same way about children….even my kid. Ick.
The evidence is undeniable!
Plus, if you left a brain where they could reach it, they would almost certainly eat it, or put it in their mouth at least.
(This is fabulous and I’m going to go share it now, especially with moms and teachers I know.)
We MUST NOT give them the chance.
Before it’s too late.
As a parent of two toddlers you made the right decision. They are shambling disease vectors 75% of the time.
Yup, my feelings exactly. Just reading your story made me cringe and want to go shower…uuugh.
This is called the pupae stage of human kind. Sometimes they eventually evolve into something better than the toddler stage, but usually they end up as a thirty-something version of their two-year-old selves…
Funny thing is: the classic “zombie gait” almost certainly comes from Boris Karloff’s portrayal of Frankenstein’s monster … who got it from the toddlers.
That’s right. Toddlers created zombies.
Does it bother anyone else that the prev arrow is never displayed properly?
Its image is sized differently, so the offsets don’t work the way you expect…
It has bothered me incessantly. I’m trying to be less obsessive, so I didn’t mention it.
I think there was an error in Your comparison, Sweetie A, in a most crucial way. If You are attacked by a zombie, You can take a chainsaw and disassemble the monster into several component parts, and no one will question Your actions. Don’t try to do that in a toddler attack. It’s generally frowned upon, especially by the parents, whose brains have apparently been the toddler-zombie’s first meal.
Also, you can’t eat zombies. I mean, their meat is totally infected. No one’s ever heard of zombie back ribs, right?
Uh… okay… good point… I guess. [Help me.]
As a parent and a parent to a toddler… I cannot absolutely cannot agree more. My gods, the things kids manage to get into. Baby gate to the ninth level of hell, they’ll find a way to get into it.
And generally come back covered in gods knows what.
Thank you, Stiffler. Most people can’t understand my pathological aversion to children, especially toddlers.
Yup, that makes a lot of sense !
Hilariously accurate 🙂
You made my day once again. Thank you! =b
Not only is the comic true facts, the inspiration is hilariously horrifying. <3
You forgot, for the chart: “carrying horrible diseases”
I just read all of your comics, and I laughed out loud many times. Thanks for putting them online for free!
As a straight male, I don’t (and am not as often exposed to) think about many of the things that you discuss in your comics. But I do enjoy thinking about them so that I can better define my beliefs, so thanks for providing a place for that! I enjoyed the fact that you portray your lives as something that is everyday, instead of something out of the norm. This helped me connect to you better.
I don’t know if you have any input on this feeling I get when I writing this comment. I think that my biggest fear when discussing these topics with people who are in the know (or have strong opinions) is that I will stick my foot in my mouth, and say something offensive, especially since I am unaware of many nuances, definitions, and thoughts on the subject. This makes me less likely to want to engage in the conversation. No worries though, I don’t think that it is your fault.
Best of luck with the comics, I’ll make sure to check in every once and a while.
I guess this is a case of YMMV, since I (also a straight male), very rarely find difficulty relating to the things in these comics.
I work in early education. I shared this with a bunch of co-workers. We all agree.
And I hear that if a toddler touches you, you start to *want* one! It’s a damn good thing you got away when you did.
That’ll be the brain infection setting in…
Don’t blame the toddlers for their condition; blame the parents. A little dirt is one thing, but I’d never let my daughter wander around covered in stains and hopefully-chocolate. I’d also never let my daughter wander off on her own towards some stranger (backpack tethers rock!), even were she inclined to. Thankfully, my daughter tends to be shy with strangers.
Oh, for God’s sake, it’s a joke! Lighten up!
My kid never wandered either, but I relied on, y’know, PARENTING, instead of leashes to keep her under control. Maybe if you’re going to gloat about your parenting on a COMEDY site, you’ll at least stop to consider how awful you look bragging about keeping your kid on a leash.
THE EVIL DEAD lmao ur comics sre very funny I love em
I just went though all of FindChaos and ChaosLife… Time to find a life!
I do love your art work though! ^.^
Hey there 🙂 Just so you know, not all toddlers are like that. Though I was expecting just that before having kids, Lily is actually very clean (hates her hands being dirty) and will not go and bite strangers. Nope , she won’t 😉
oh my, i thought i’m the only one with that feeling. and the fact that you telling it exactly like how i felt. the only different was nobody here could understand why oh why i felt that way about kids.
god bless you..hehe
I’m sorry but I cant read your name without thinking about…. you know, Stiffler. So uhh…. humblest apologies. Or whatever. You pull it off though.
Having had two of these toddlbies, I can safely say that it only holds true for the first two years – if that long. As amazing as they are maddening, kids are the best thing that’s happened to me and my wife (and my ex), but I wouldn’t do it all over again unless I were swimming in expendable income. They kill your bank account with cuteness and promises of being just like you. If that’s what you want to do to the world, then we can’t hold it against y’all, having done it ourselves. 8)
Ugh, I HATE kids. But I honestly think most of the reason is the parents. Toddlers are just excused for any behavior and I’m amazed we don’t have more horrid people in the world due to really awful parenting. One particular example is this kid at my Uncle’s wedding decided to CHUCK a fucking croquet ball at another kid ….. What, the, fuck?! Ya know what the mom said in response? Oh, he’s young, he doesn’t know better. ….. What a shitty parent. If that kid truly doesn’t know better YOU TEACH IT BETTER! Stupid fucking lady. That kid was crying so much and the little boy who threw it didn’t give a shit. Lack of empathy much? Um, I think your child horrid mother is more then a monster, he’s showing signs of sociopathy by not being able to realize he hurt someone or not caring.
I love kids but the description made me temporarily terrified of them XD