I mean, if we’re being honest.

This comic (along with THREE FindChaos pages!) was available to our Patreon patrons early! It’s just one of the bonuses you get for supporting our comic on a regular basis, including access to exclusive blog posts, podcasts, behind-the-scenes work, and more! If you even have a spare $1 per month,* you should sign up and get access! After all, it keeps us eating and surviving and other handy shit like that.

*Yep, literally even $1 per month. Our Patreon charges per comic, but you can cap your pledge at any amount and you’ll never be overcharged. Just a handy FYI if you’re not familiar with the system. <3

And ICMYI: We got a new drafting table for more comics to be drawn on! You can see the entire silly assembly below:

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